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analytica 2024 presents: The next generation of laboratory analysis

Views : 639
Update time : 2024-05-08 10:46:53

What do scientific innovations, the quality of products and business success have in common? They all largely depend on the detection capabilities of the analysis. Just look at research and development, industry-related quality monitoring as well as purity and authenticity testing in a wide range of applications and application areas such as food fraud, pharmaceutical and active ingredient analysis, water and environmental analysis, trace and matrices analysis, and materials analysis.

Laboratory analysis must keep pace with the speed at which these areas are developing. In addition, laboratory work is increasingly determined by high performance and process optimization. Resource consumption and working time should be kept to a minimum while delivering absolutely safe and reliable research results. The used methods must comply with numerous laws and guidelines and fulfil FDA, REACH, GLP, GMP and ISO standards.  The demands are further increased by the global situation, with an increasing demand for climate-neutral, resource-saving and energy-saving solutions.

As you can see, there is a vast amount of challenges that laboratory analysis has to face. Like no other trade fair, analytica offers decisive information on the latest developments in laboratory analysis.

Over 1.000 leading exhibitors from the global laboratory industry showcase the newest and best in laboratory analysis. See sample preparation, elemental analyzers, measurement and control technology, sustainable analysis, and more.

Be there when market leaders, decision-makers and research drivers meet at analytica 2024 in Munich from 9 to 12 April. Discover the right solutions for current issues from the most diverse areas of analytics and take the opportunity to exchange ideas directly with industry leaders in analytics and laboratory technology.